Living in Posterity

Essays in Honour of Bart Westerweel
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ISBN 9789065508393
NUR codes 680
Redactie Jan Frans van Dijkhuizen e.a.
Jaar van uitgave 2004
Druk 1
Bindwijze ing
Aantal bladzijdes 365

Living in Posterity, presented to Bart Westerweel on his retirement as Professor of Early Modern English literature at the University of Leiden, brings together thirty-nine essays on a wide variety of subjects and themes. The contributors, scholars from the Netherlands end abroad, have drawn inspiration from the many dualities that are characteristic of Westerweel's work, such as word/image, Anglo/Dutch, familiar/other, traditional/modern, and form/function. The result is a colourful mosaic of essays on history, culture, art and literature from the first century to the modern era. The binding theme of this richly diverse book lies in the idea of the continuity between the past and the present, the cohesion between what was and what is. As such, Living in Posterity is part of the larger project of the humanities to engage sympathetically with the past - to speak with the dead and keep history alive.    

Contents: Preface   ALISON ADAMS, The French Versions of Van Haecht's Mikrokosmos   DOMINIC BAKER-SMITH, 'The Honour of the Garter': George Peele's Antiquarian Poetics   C.C. BARFOOT, William King Takes on van Leeuwenhoek in Parodies of Hans Sloane and the Royal Society's Philosophical Transactions   MICHAEL BATH, Mary Stuart's Bed of State   ROLF H. BREMMER JR., Constantijn Huygens' Interest in Old Germanic: A Lost Book from His Library Retrieved (Otfridi euangeliorum liber [Basel, 1571])   JAAP R. BRUIJN, A Baron Says No: Jan Gerrit van Wassenaer and Anglo-Dutch Naval Cooperation in 1707   MARGUÉRITE CORPORAAL, Gender and Genre in Jane Wiseman's Antiochus the Great   PETER DAVIDSON, Emblems for the Vulnerata, Valladolid, September 1600   THEO D'HAEN, 'Concordia discordans' and the Asian American Female Detective Fiction   JAN FRANS VAN DIJKHUIZEN, Pain and Protestantism: From Lucas Cranach to John Donne   K.A.E. ENENKEL, The Enigma of Tacitus' Ethnography: The Germania as a Manipulative Report in the Debate of Spring 98 BC   REINDERT L. FALKENBURG, Pieter Aertsen's Kitchen Maid in Brussels: A Peek into the Kitchen of Art   PAUL J.C.M. FRANSSEN, Amorous Palms   PAUL GERRETSEN, It's That Man Again. Gustave Planche and His Rembrandt   ALASTAIR HAMILTON, An Unlikely Friendship: Robert Sheringham and the Cawton Family   CHRIS L. HEESAKKERS, Geffrey Whitney's Use of Hadrianus Junius' Emblemata   PAUL HOFTIJZER, An Eighteenth-Century Amateur of Books and Science in Warmond   SJEF HOUPPERMANS, Castaway or Homebound   MARIKA KEBLUSEK, Extremes of Costs and Riches: The Entry of Frederic, Elector Palatine, and Princess Elizabeth in the Dutch Republic (1613)   FRANS KORSTEN, Alexander Geddes and His Library   A.A. MACDONALD, The Wife of Auchermuchty and Her Dutch Cousin   J.P. VAN DER MOTTEN/KATRIEN DAEMEN-DE GELDER, A 'Copy as Immortal, as Its Original': Thomas Ross' Second Punick War (London, 1661 and 1672)   NICOLETTE MOUT, Humanists and Politics in an Age of Strife   STEPHEN RAWLES, The Circulation of Emblems through Book Fairs: A Preliminary Study J  ULIETTE RODING/LEONORE STAPEL, Perspectives in Early Stuart Portraiture: the Imaginary Palace in Court Portraits   SOPHIE VAN ROMBURGH, Septentrionalist Emblematics: An Early Modern Play on Runes   ALISON SAUNDERS, Which Bits Travel More Easily? The European Dissemination of Emblemetic Figure and Text   INEKE SLUITER/ANTHONYA VISSER, Playing The Persians: Remembering History in Literature   PAUL J. SMITH, Two Illustrated Fable Books: The Esbatement moral des animaux (1578) and Verdizotti's Cento favole morali (1570)   A.AGNES SNELLER, Pallas and Arachne   BOUKJE THIJS, A Peace-Loving Deity with Business Instinct: An Image of the Amsterdam IJ in a Seventeenth-Century Dutch Ode   INGRID TIEKEN-BOON VAN OSTADE, Robert Lowth: 'A Loving, More Loving, Most Loving Father'   RICHARD TODD, Constantijn Huygens' Translations of Four Poems by John Donne Made at Visé, 6-7 October 1633: A Bibliographical Approach to the Original Copytext   J. TRAPMAN, Humanism and Anti-Humanism in Petrus Bloccius   ARNOUD VISSER, From the Republic of Letters to the Olympus: The Rise and Fall of Medical Humanism in 67 Portraits   PETER DE VOOGD, Laurence Sterne's Blank Emblem   ADRIAAN VAN DER WEEL, Scripta Manent: The Anxiety of Immortality   MARLEEN VAN DER WEIJ, Johan de Brune's Emblemata, of Zinne-werck (1624) and the Dutch Love Emblem Tradition   HELEN WILCOX, 'In Another Make Me Understood': Herbert in the Modern World   Select Bibliography of Work by Bart Westerweel   List of Contributors

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